
Professional manual corker for wine

Product code: 07070 BS
Availability: Up to 10 days
Professional stainless steel corker for corking still wines. The corker handles bottles with a capacity of from 0.5 to 1 liter and natural and see full description
Gross price: 1 661
Net price: 1 350
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Professional stainless steel corker for corking still wines. The corker handles bottles with a capacity of from 0.5 to 1 liter and natural and synthetic stoppers in size 27, diameter 48 mm height/length. The big advantage is the adjustable jaws. The closure of the bottle is achieved by gripping the cork with the jaws and pushing it into the bottle. Capacity depends on the ability to handle 100 - 150 bottles / hour.

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Seweryn Fabijaniak
Certified Oenologist, a graduate of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, an expert in the production technology of wines, juices, meads and many other drinks. An experienced advisor in the field of design and machinery of broadly understood fruit and vegetable processing plants.