
Grape harvesting trailer

Grape harvesting trailer made of stainless steel with gentle vibrating ejection. The trailer can be used for manual and mechanical harvesting. The see full description

Grape harvesting trailer made of stainless steel with gentle vibrating ejection. The trailer can be used for manual and mechanical harvesting. The trailer guarantees efficient transport of grapes and ensures unloading without crushing the grapes or berries, with a constant and adjustable flow rate.

The shallow depth of the container prevents crushing due to compaction, and the drip container allows for effective separation of juices.

The use of a single lifting cylinder allows the use of small amounts of oil, which shortens the lifting time regardless of the tractor type.


Innovative air suspension technology protecting crops during transport. Autonomous system requiring only a 12V socket. Combined with the automatic weight management system, AirTecWine maintains damping and trim (ride height) regardless of load.



The extended exit from the trailer allows you to sort grapes leaving the trailer

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Double trailer bottom - Prevents oxidation and maceration during transport. Enables optimization of loading volume.

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Sorting tables - you can sort grapes in the vineyard


Additional, independent hydraulic system - work without noise and tractor exhaust fumes!


The trailer can be equipped with a tight metal cover and a system for securing the harvest with inert gases

inox cover




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Seweryn Fabijaniak
Certified Oenologist, a graduate of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, an expert in the production technology of wines, juices, meads and many other drinks. An experienced advisor in the field of design and machinery of broadly understood fruit and vegetable processing plants.