
Tartar stabilizing agent (potassium hydrogen tartrate), MannoPure®

Tartar stabilization agent (potassium hydrogen tartrate), MannoPure®. MannoPure® is a liquid mannoprotein for stabilizing potassium see full description

Tartar stabilization agent (potassium hydrogen tartrate), MannoPure®.

MannoPure® is a liquid mannoprotein for stabilizing potassium tartrate.
It is enzymatically extracted from the yeast cell walls in a very gentle process. MannoPure inhibits the nucleation and, consequently, further growth and precipitation of potassium tartrate crystals.

In short:

  • Product: Liquid mannoprotein preparation
  • Scope of application: All types of white, rose and red wines
  • Objective: Stabilization of potassium tartrate

Special features

  • Naturally present in wine
  • Maintaining natural acidity
  • Easy to use
  • Dosage 50 – 150 mL/100 L
  • Unit package 1 kg
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