
Trenolin® ProStab

Trenolin® ProStab Enzymatic stabilisation of proteins in wine Trenolin® ProStab acts on thermolabile chitinases and thaumatin-like see full description
Trenolin® ProStab
Enzymatic stabilisation of proteins in wine
Trenolin® ProStab acts on thermolabile chitinases and thaumatin-like proteins, which play a decisive role in turbidity formation. Protein stability can thus be achieved at an early stage.
At a glance:
  • Product Protease
  • Range of use White and rosé musts
  • Goal For optimal proteolyse

Special features
  • Prevents protein turbidity from forming in wine
  • Labour time and cost savings
  • No wine losses
  • No change in the wine’s aroma and colour

Dosage 5 – 10 mL/hL
Packaging unit 5 kg
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Seweryn Fabijaniak
Certified Oenologist, a graduate of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, an expert in the production technology of wines, juices, meads and many other drinks. An experienced advisor in the field of design and machinery of broadly understood fruit and vegetable processing plants.