
Body Angular filter AISI 316, DIN

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Availability: Select a variant
Body angular filter DIN male/male, AISI 316.   see full description
Select a variant:
DN 25 615 500 30 days
DN 32 738 600 30 days
DN 40 861 700 30 days
DN 50 923 750 30 days
DN 65 984 800 30 days
DN 80 1 107 900 30 days
DN 100 1 353 1 100 30 days
Gross price: 615
Net price: 500

Body angular filter DIN male/male, AISI 316.


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Seweryn Fabijaniak
Certified Oenologist, a graduate of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, an expert in the production technology of wines, juices, meads and many other drinks. An experienced advisor in the field of design and machinery of broadly understood fruit and vegetable processing plants.