Producer: Voran
Packing press with moveable juice basin (sliding carriage) and hydraulic power unit. Easy and safe operation thanks to automatic pressure relief valve on hydraulic power unit. Processable
5 203 14 days
Producer: Voran
Packing press with moveable juice basin (sliding carriage) and hydraulic power unit. Easy and safe operation thanks to automatic pressure relief valve on hydraulic power unit. Processable
6 556 14 days
Producer: Voran
Packing press with two moveable juice basins (sliding carriage) and hydraulic power unit. Easy and safe operation thanks to automatic pressure relief valve on hydraulic power unit. Processable
7 786 14 days
Producer: Voran
Packing press with two pivoting juice basins (rotating carriage) and hydraulic power unit. Easy and safe operation thanks to automatic pressure relief valve on hydraulic power unit. Processable
9 410 14 days
Producer: Voran
Packing press with two pivoting juice basins (rotating carriage) and hydraulic power unit. Easy and safe operation thanks to automatic pressure relief valve on hydraulic power unit. The machine is
23 050 14 days
Producer: Voran
Packing press with two pivoting juice basins (rotating carriage) and hydraulic power unit. Easy and safe operation thanks to automatic pressure relief valve on hydraulic power unit. Processable
31 968 30 days
Producer: Zumex
Squeezing machine for fruit and vegetable Cold press juice extraction, capacity up to 110 l/h, stainless Steel manufactured AISI 304, two stages: Shredder Stage Feeding pipe with
Producer: Voran
Collection basin with 1 mm coarse screen. Easy and safe operation thanks to fully automatic impeller pump. Juice collection tank is suitable for all Voran presses. Thanks to the pump fresh
3 924 14 days
You don't know what product
to choose?
Contact us now!
Our expert will advise you!
Seweryn Fabijaniak
Certified Oenologist, a graduate of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, an expert in the production technology of wines, juices, meads and many other drinks. An experienced advisor in the field of design and machinery of broadly understood fruit and vegetable processing plants.