Producer: Erbsloh
Granucol® GE Granulated activated carbon for sensory treatment The individual Granucol® types are activated carbon pellets of plant origin. Granucol® is prepared from activated
32 Produkt niedostępny
Producer: Erbsloh
Granucol® FA Granulated activated carbon for colour corrections The individual Granucol® types are activated carbon pellets of plant origin. Granucol® is prepared from activated
252 24 h
Producer: Erbsloh
Granucol products are made of activated carbon pellets of plant origin. The carbon pellets undergo a special production process that ensures high adsorbency properties and easy dissolution before
11 Produkt niedostępny
Producer: Erbsloh
CarboTec GE ensures early and gentle adsorption of impurities in grape must without impairing the aroma. Its use is a preventative measure to remove impurities, such as spraying residues, or
55 Up to 10 days
Producer: Erbsloh
Plant-derived activated carbon for colour adsorption Akticol FA is an acid-activated, plant-based charcoal specifically developed for decolouration. Akticol FA therefore does not impair
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Seweryn Fabijaniak
Certified Oenologist, a graduate of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, an expert in the production technology of wines, juices, meads and many other drinks. An experienced advisor in the field of design and machinery of broadly understood fruit and vegetable processing plants.