
Producer: Hobrafilt
Płyty filtracyjne 20x20 cm - S40 - 5 mikronów do prefiltracji i klarujące. Prezentowane płyty (wkłady) celulozowe wykorzystywane są w filtrach płytowych. Doskonale
11 24 h
Producer: Tenco
The StarCap semi-automatic bottle corker from Tenco provides excellent corking capacity for small wineries or avid home vintners. It is pneumatically driven so you will need an air compressor to
1 999 30 days
Producer: Erbsloh
Specially developed for the fermentation of full-bodied, tanninrich and colour intensive red wines. Provides aromas of cherries, berries and nuts and it supports the
44 24 h
Semi-automatic table-top labelling machine, designed to put front and back adhesive labels in the same cycle. It has a mechanical roller that can lock the bottles while inserted during the
5 252 30 days
Producer: Erbsloh
Yeast Oenoferm Veltliner F3 20 g per 100 l Dried yeast selected for white wines, promoting the fruity, pepper-spicy aroma of the Grüner Veltliner.   Product
43 24 h
Producer: Hobrafilt
Płyty filtracyjne 20x20 cm - S60 - 6 mikronów do prefiltracji i klarujące. Prezentowane płyty (wkłady) celulozowe wykorzystywane są w filtrach płytowych. Doskonale
11 24 h
Producer: Voran
4-dyszowa nalewarka wykonana ze stali nierdzewnej  1.4301 / AISI 304. Urządzenie obsłuży szeroki zakres wysokości butelek oraz średnicy szyjki. Od 0,25 litra do 5 litrów
3 567 Up to 10 days
Producer: Voran
6-nozzle filler made of stainless steel 1.4301 / AISI 304. The device will handle a wide range of bottle heights and neck diameters. From 0.25 liter to 5 liter bottle capacity. The pourer is
4 127 Up to 10 days
Producer: BUCHER vaslin
Gentle processing
Poured into the hopper, the grapes are then gradually and gently conveyed according to a pre-set destemming speed. In this zone, the cage has no holes and clusters are
Capsule shrinker for PVC capsule.
252 14 days
Producer: Borelli
Automatic monoblock for bottling and corking or closing still wine with an aluminum stopper. Filling, corking and closing with an aluminum (monopoly) cap is easy. The device can be equipped with a
Producer: Borelli
Automatic monoblock for bottling and corking or closing still wine with an aluminum stopper. Filling, corking and closing with an aluminum (monopoly) cap is easy. The device is equipped with a
EKO-10 is a semi-automatic table-top labelling machine, able to stick front and back label during the same cycle. This machine allows to label round glass bottles but also square bottles, pots and
3 518 30 days
Producer: Hobrafilt
Płyty filtracyjne 40x40 cm - S20 - 3 mikrony do prefiltracji i klarujące. Prezentowane płyty (wkłady) celulozowe wykorzystywane są w filtrach płytowych. Doskonale sprawdzą się
36 24 h
Producer: Sparkling Equipment
Semi-automatic disgorging, dosing and topping up machine with manual loading and unloading for an output up to 600 bottles per hour. Equipped with an automatic disgorging system designed to
31 906 Delivery: up to 90 days.
Producer: ENOS
Automatic labeller (labeler) from the renowned Italian manufacturer ENOS for labeling wine bottles. As standard, the device applies two labels (front label and back label) but printed on one
Producer: WTG-Quantor
The temperature regulator FermFlex with Bus-interface for the connection to a computer is designed for measuring and regulating temperature. The controller’s double display shows the actual
467 Up to 10 days
Producer: WTG-Quantor
Safety transformer * 230V, for up to 5 controllers, 24V AC, 100VA.
111 € 111 14 days
Producer: Letina
PRESSURE TANK is used for sparkling wine production by Charmat method. It is a vertical type of tank with “ellipsoidal heads” (dished top and bottom). Work pressure is 6 bar.
Producer: Pillan Enotecnica
Gravity filler for wine, made of stainless steel with a manual corker. The filler is equipped with a pump integrated with the buffer tank by level sensors. 10 pouring nozzles. Infusion on the
16 113 30 days
Producer: ENOMET
The saturator is used to add food products with carbon dioxide. Available for different formats of full bottles. TECHNICAL FEATURES Hourly productin of about 50 bott./h. Bottles to be
4 059 30 days
FX-10H is a semi-automatic table-top labelling machine, able to stick front and back label during the same cycle. The product is standing on a small platform in between the three
4 059 30 days
Producer: Technica
Carbomaxx Simple carbonization of sparkling wine / beer / cider, etc. Consistency is key in ensuring the high quality of beverages. This mostly pertains to precise carbonization of the
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Seweryn Fabijaniak
Certified Oenologist, a graduate of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, an expert in the production technology of wines, juices, meads and many other drinks. An experienced advisor in the field of design and machinery of broadly understood fruit and vegetable processing plants.